Milton is always beginning new classes— both Script Analysis and Technique— over Zoom. He also periodically takes new coaching clients. If you’re interested in taking class or would like to inquire about coaching, click the button below to send us an email.
Through her work with Stanislavsky, Stella Adler developed a definitive and now famous approach to acting, having trained such acting luminaries as Marlon Brando and Robert DiNiro. Her exercises demonstrate the accessible fundamentals of approaching a play and a screenplay. From deciphering the core idea of the text, to exploring character, action, circumstance and background, each exercise propels the actor experientially through the evolution of a part.
Fundamentals of Script Analysis
One of the most elusive quests for the actor is the approach to text. But the truth is: all of acting starts with script analysis. Once you know how to break down and interpret text, you’ll be able to shop for the talented choices that make the difference between a truly gifted actor and one who is merely functional. This introductory study of script analysis opens an actor up to the endless choices that will allow you to translate the facts of a play into your experience of these facts. The ability gives you, the actor, full reign to bring the text to life, fight the burden of clichés and put your own, unique signature on the role.